A guide to electric and magnetic fields from electricity infrastructure
Electricity is an important part of modern day life and electricity infrastructure is built to facilitate this. As a result you may live near an overhead line, pylon or substation and want to find out more about it. This website is designed to give you a balanced, informative view of Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs) from overhead lines and substations.
'EMF The Facts' is a comprehensive summary produced by the Energy Networks Association.
Living or buying near an overhead line
Everything you need to know about living near, or buying or selling a house near an overhead line.
Living or buying near a substation
Everything you need to know about living near, or buying or selling a house near a substation.

What are overhead lines and substations?
Look into the electricity system and learn about overhead lines, pylons and substations.
Find out more
Potential health effects
Current evidence on health effects including information on microshocks, pacemakers and childhood leukaemia.
Find out more
UK EMFs policy and exposure limits
Up to date information about the UK's stance on EMFs including national policies and exposure limits.
Find out more